Monday, September 22, 2008


It's everywhere. Advertisements for huge, ridiculous vehicles that look like they should (and were actually designed to) have a gun turret on top espousing their virtuous 19 MPG and comparing it to another abomination with similar pitiful specs.

OK, I will digress.

Before I go on, a confession: I do not drive. I use public transportation, my bicycle and whichever foolish friend of mine lets my drunken ass in their car (ain't ya glad I don't drive?). I recycle even when it's not really convenient but I smoke and I'm only frequently conscious of where the butt goes.

I have done nothing but bewail the state of new car salesmanship. BOOooooOORRrring. I promised info on positive technology and a brighter, dare I say, cooler future. Oh, and funny or some facsimile thereof.

Let's think tiny.

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