Monday, June 22, 2009

Houston recycling...

Is practically non-existent as far as the municipality goes. There are plenty of places to take recyclable materials (most schools have dumpster-sized paper recycling bins and private establishments exist) but there is no curbside service.

According to an article last year in the New York Times, Houston ranks last among the nation's largest cities in recycling, reprocessing only 2.6% of waste. San Francisco and New York (New York!) recycle 69 and 34 percent respectively.

While certain sections of Houston have been provided with bins, most have not and the outlying suburbs (where I currently reside) don't even seem to know what recycling is.

Houston has long been considered the "world's energy capital" (let not the ghost of Enron malinger too long in our memories) yet creates an abominable amount of waste. This is a city of culture - of museums, music, theatre and big business - yet still has the mentality of an over-consuming America of the '50s.

C'mon, people now!!!

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